Thursday, December 27, 2012


I had to share the following photos! On Christmas Eve day when Dustin went to do chores he got a suprise! One of the ewes had twin ewe lambs!  We were very excited, although we didn't expect any lambs for at least another two weeks! See, before we sold "Rambo" we put him in with the ewes for two weeks, not really expecting "anything" but it looks like he did his thing!

The following photo shows the "rouge hen" that has taken to living with the lambs.  Even after trying to relocate her to the hen house, she keeps going down to the barn to mingle with the ewes!

The following photo I took in November, I came home from work one day to literally find the lambs grazing in my front lawn! Aparently my husband and hired man thought this would be a GREAT use of grass! Thanks guys!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Harvest 2012

We are off and going!  We officially started harvest 2012 last Thursday, September 20th.  So far, Dustin is "optimistic" about the harvest, as early yields are higher than he anticipated.  Here's hoping for a bountiful and safe harvest!

Having the two new bins is allowing our harvest to speed right along as we are no longer waiting for trucks!
The girls getting ready to go for a ride after bringing the men dinner.
Catching on the run

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Johnson family farms is proud to present the newest additions to our flock. 2 ewe lambs born early this morning!

Olivia checking the girls out


So darn cute

All 3 girls are doing great

Livi thinks this ewe will lamb next...we shall see

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ready for SPRING

We are ready for spring at Johnson Family Farms!

Olivia feeding one of the ewe's who we hope lambs soon!

Daddy brought in one of our "foster chicks" for the girls to look at.

We will hopefully have our own chicks in a month or two, but for now we are housing about 33 babies for a friend.