Monday, May 23, 2011

A man, his daughter and their cows!

What do you get when you cross a little girl and her daddy and and an afternoon on the farm???  MEMORIES!  Olivia, Verayna and I headed out with Dustin to the Horst farm today to check up on the two baby "calvies" and the rest of the crew.  Olivia loved feeding #395 some grass and seeing the calvies that were born at the end of April.  We still have 3 cows to calf, and the next one could possibly arrive at the end of this week!  Watching Dustin share his love of farming and his animals with his girls never gets old!  Is there anything better than being a farmers daughter???

Here Cows! Olivia was repeating everything Dustin said trying to call the steers up to the fence. It was so cute!

Dustin has this steer pretty tame.

Trying to get one of the fat cattle over to the fence.

Here are the cows.  As you can see, the baby calves didn't even bother to get up for us!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Planting 2011

So this past weekend, Dustin finished planting our corn.  He still has some custom work to finish but then it will be on to the beans!  The girls and I took a ride with Dustin Saturday afternoon, they both love to ride with Daddy (and so do I!)

Dustin manning all the controls! It's like a space ship in there!
Olivia and Rayna enjoying their ride with Daddy!

Check out this view!

Clearly-Rayna is concerned that daddy should be making sure his rows are straight!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Well, the hatched ducklings in the kindergarten room moved to their "hotel" today. Hoping that the remaining two hatch overnight. No chicks hatching yet at school or home! I'm hoping they start tomorrow! I can't stand the thought of disappointing those kiddos! I know I can always sneak in sunday night with some from the hatchery, but the kids are thrilled when they actually get to see the little ones work themselves out of the shells. Cross your fingers!

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's time!

After weeks of getting this monster of a planter ready for the field, Dustin finally got to move it into action this afternoon! The girls and I brought Dustin dinner, but we didn't get to see the beast all spread out, maybe next time.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Don't Count Your Chickens...

Well, we had a great Easter weekend.  The girls LOVED all the Easter Egg hunts they got to go on!

Our lives seem to be centered around eggs right now! On Friday, we removed the egg turners from the incubators in the kindergarten class and here at home.  We expect some chicks Wednesday and our first attempt at hatching some ducklings!  I can't wait, I've actually been dreaming about it!

The four eggs with the (p) on them are duck eggs we got from the Knutsens.  I can't wait! I'm hoping we can talk Dustin into keeping a pair around the farm!  Dustin candled them and it looks like we should have a pretty good hatch this year.  We always do a 'back up' at home, just in case something would go wrong at school! I couldn't handle a bunch of sad kindergartners wondering what happened to their eggs!  Wish us luck!