Well, we had a great Easter weekend. The girls LOVED all the Easter Egg hunts they got to go on!
Our lives seem to be centered around eggs right now! On Friday, we removed the egg turners from the incubators in the kindergarten class and here at home. We expect some chicks Wednesday and our first attempt at hatching some ducklings! I can't wait, I've actually been dreaming about it!
The four eggs with the (p) on them are duck eggs we got from the Knutsens. I can't wait! I'm hoping we can talk Dustin into keeping a pair around the farm! Dustin candled them and it looks like we should have a pretty good hatch this year. We always do a 'back up' at home, just in case something would go wrong at school! I couldn't handle a bunch of sad kindergartners wondering what happened to their eggs! Wish us luck!